Terms and conditions



This document governs the terms and conditions when using the Dompé website and the services contained therein. 

The Dompé website (hereinafter the “Website”) was initiated by the companies of the Dompé farmaceutici S.p.A. group (hereinafter “Dompé Group”) with the purpose of encouraging communications with third parties, including suppliers, customers and collaborators. 

By accessing and browsing the Website, the user agrees, unconditionally accepts and commits to all the following terms and conditions of use, as well as to using the Website in full compliance with applicable laws. 

The Website is provided by the Dompé Group free of charge to all Internet users who wish to access it, with no discrimination whatsoever. 

The Website includes general information about the Dompé Group, its individual companies and their internal organizational structures. 

For more information on the processing of personal data, please consult the privacy policy of the site. 


Personal and/or identification information required to access the Website and its services is limited to the minimum required for contacting the user via e-mail. 

The information an individual user enters in the Website is stored in the Website until deletion is requested by the user through the instructions provided on the Website. 

The personal information provided by users via their requests of materials (brochures, information, and so on) is used for the sole purpose of perfecting the requested service and is communicated to third parties only if necessary for said purpose (as with companies providing enveloping, labelling, shipping services). 

Dompé reserves the right to communicate the user personal information to other companies of the Dompé Group, both in Italy and abroad, without prejudice to compliance with this Policy. 


The Website is for informative purposes only and may not be considered a source of information, the legal validity of which requires its submission via other means of communication (e.g.: a registered letter with return receipt). 

To such extent, the Website does not want to substitute any official corporate communication. 

The Dompé Group constantly checks the accuracy and update status of the information and data found in the Website. The company, however, assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, inconsistencies, incompleteness or any error made involuntarily or based on erroneous or outdated data and/or information submitted by the user. 

The information contained in the Website and linked to it is for general information purposes only and is meant to provide information about the companies of the Dompé Group and their products and services; as such, they are not intended as scientific medical indications, information and/or recommendations or advertising messages. 

Therefore, the non-medical user is invited to consult their doctor should they need clinical details about diseases, disorders, symptoms, diagnoses, therapies, side effects and in general for any decision regarding their health. 

Neither the companies of the Dompé Group nor any other party involved in the creation, realization and publication of the Website and of any other website linked to it can be held in any way responsible for any direct, incidental, consequential and/or indirect damage deriving from the access, use or lack of use of the Website or of any other website linked to it. 

Users are aware that accessing and using the Website are actions under their direct and exclusive responsibility. 


The Website contains hypertext links to third party websites which can provide useful information to the Website visitors; however, no company of the Dompé Group may be held liable for such third party contents. 

It should be noted that these terms and conditions of use do not apply to websites linked to the Website; as a consequence, the information that among other things is related to the methods of use and access must be looked up and consulted on said websites. 

Links to third party websites are made available on the Website solely for the user’s convenience. The user must therefore acknowledge that the links to third party websites are under their own exclusive responsibility. 


The Website is protected with traffic encryption and access control mechanisms which safeguard the security of the data collected in compliance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and pursuant to any other applicable national data protection law. 


The information provided on this Website does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the purchase, supply, prescription, dispensation or trade of Dompé products, nor for the carrying out of any other transaction concerning the same products. 


The Website may contain items such as pictures, texts and graphics protected by copyright or other intellectual and/or industrial property rights. 

All the documentation found on the Website is owned by the Dompé Group and any form of use or reproduction, even partial, is subject to written authorization by the Dompé Group, in compliance with current regulations. 

It is expressly forbidden to copy, publish or reproduce, in whole or in part, sections of this Website or other websites of the Dompé Group, unless prior written approval has been obtained from Dompé. Any other use must be considered unlawful and prohibited and will be pursued by the companies of the Dompé Group within the terms established by law and/or by contract. 

It is expressly forbidden to use the Website in such a way as to cause deterioration, damage, delay and/or malfunctioning of the Dompé Group and/or other Internet users, or in a manner that causes interruptions and/or malfunctions to the Website itself and/or to the underlying software that ensures its operation. 

In particular, it is forbidden to visit the Website using automatic tools such as scripts, “crawlers” or “autobots”, the purpose of which is to systematically retrieve and/or extract proprietary and/or confidential information. 


The Website may contain predictions on future events. Such information is subject to a number of factors (including scientific, economic and financial) which make it uncertain by nature; therefore, the actual results may differ significantly from those expected. 


Unless otherwise specified, the contents (data, texts, images, sounds, and so on) of the Website are the exclusive property and availability of the Dompé Group and are protected by copyright. The use of the Website does not grant third parties any right to the economic exploitation of such contents, either as owners or licensees. 

Lacking an explicit authorization by the companies of the Dompé Group, in accordance with copyright protection laws, such contents cannot be reproduced, distributed, retransmitted, even partially, and by any means (including electronic). It is also forbidden to reproduce on other web servers all or part of the material published by the Dompé Group on this Website. 

The Website users who engage in behaviours infringing copyright owned by Dompé or other third parties will be required to compensate Dompé of the damage caused and to hold the same against all claims, damages, responsibilities, legal proceedings and for any other prejudicial consequence deriving from the violation of third party rights. 


Dompé and the other names of Dompé products and/or services referred to herein are trademarks of the companies of the Dompé Group. The use of the Website does not grant any third parties the right to reproduce the trademarks without the consent of the companies of the Dompé Group, or to exploit them economically. 

All rights that are not expressly granted here are reserved. 

Any use of trademarks not expressly authorized will be prosecuted according to the law. 


Advertising is not a source of subvention for the Website. 


The Dompé Group reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of use for this Website at any time. The new conditions of use will apply to all uses of the Website immediately after the new conditions are published. 

Dompé reserves the right to modify the information and data contained in the Website at any time, at its discretion and without prior notice. Any liability arising from such changes is expressly excluded. 


The user accepts the Italian law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan for all the disputes relating to or arising from the use of the Website and/or its related services. 

If a clause of this document is deemed invalid or unenforceable under Italian law, this provision will be considered superseded by a valid and enforceable provision that allows the intent of the original provision to be reached as much as possible and the rest of the agreement will continue to be valid and effective. 

A printed version of this agreement, and of any communication given in electronic form, will be considered admissible evidence in any judicial or administrative proceedings.